Is TOA in the main game hard?
I just finished my first ever TOA (entry mode) in Leagues. I know it's Leagues and we're super op but is TOA usually pretty easy in the main game? I wanted to try out content I've never done before in Leagues to somewhat understand the mechanics and what's going on. I understand uping the invocations make it way harder, but haven't tried that yet. I'm excited to start doing that to understand what's going on as it gets higher to take that knowledge back to the main game. Any tips? TIA ☺️
Update: I've been learning TOA at 150, solo, and I've completed 2 raids yesterday. Super fun, excited to try more. I'm using more mid tier gear so once I get some purples, hopefully I can go shopping and get some upgrades 😀 Thanks for everyone's input in this post! 💕