Recommended games for an adult with Dyslexia?
Hello, I just bought a 3DS for my best friend for Christmas/Birthday and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for 3DS/DS games that weren't very text heavy/voice acted for me to get them. By friend has very severe Dyslexia that makes it hard to read (especially white letters on black backgrounds), and hard to line things up (like aiming in shooters). I want to get them some games that aren't just standard Mario/Yoshi/Zelda and have some variety outside of just platformers. A lot of my favorite games are extremely text heavy, like 999, Rune Factory, and Ace Attorney, so I'm not as well versed in games that aren't as text heavy. I would also appreciate recommendations of games that have a medium amount of text since they are able to read it just takes more effort and brainpower.
Games they like:
Breath of the Wild
The Sims 4
Rusty Lake's Games (escape room)
Thank you so much!