1Fighter/xDivine Soul Sorcerer? Worth it?
I am building a level 3 Half Elf divine soul sorcerer and I was wondering, is it worth it to delay my spell and slot progression by taking my first level in fighter?
I'd get 18 AC w/medium armor, shield, defense style and 14 dex; Second Wind and maintain proficiency on CON saves.
My final stats are 8 str / 14 dex / 16 con / 10 int / 10 wis / 17 cha
I'd probably take telekinetic +1cha and war caster for my first 2 feat options.
The rest of the party includes a Paladin, a Goolock, and evocation Wizard, and I was planning to be the "main" healer, considering I'm the only somewhat experienced player at the table.
I considered taking the first level in cleric but I'd need to rethink my stats (point buy), then probably take an ASI I wasn't planning on taking; and I'd lose proficiency in CON saves.
Idk if it would still be the best option or not.