Something like ES2 but not like Civ VI ?
Hello everyone, I'm fond of 4X games but I've only played endless space 2 and civilization VI.
I recently got Civ VI but I'm not really enjoying it. In ES 2 I was varying my strat based on the leader I picked, but in Civ VI I feel like it's the exact same gameplay every game and I'm bored. I'm gonna list what I'm looking for in a 4X and see what you can suggest me (because considering how much time it takes to complete a game in a 4X, I just don't have time to try out a bunch of different games).
- Tech tree: biggest disappointment of Civ VI, I hate having to research everything if you want to progress. In ES 2 you can only focus on the techs you needed and have only like half the tree researched by the time you won (even in science victory).
- Too many leaders in Civ VI, so it feels like there isn't really anything special to them, they just have different stats basically. ES 2's leaders each have a unique mechanic that really shapes your strategy. I enjoyed that a lot.
- Having an actual terrain in Civ VI is great though. Having to think about where you build each thing was very enjoyable compared to ES 2 where you just queue buildings and that's it.
- Hoping for some actual diplomacy because both ES 2 and Civ VI diplomacy mechanics are boring and don't feel impactful, although Civ VI is a bit better than ES 2. But like, it's peace & trade, war, or some alliance that just gives extra stats. I'd like a bit more than this ngl.
- The civics tree of Civ VI is boring as hell. I don't want that. Having an entire tech tree just for small stat buffs is straight up not fun.
- Space theme. I like space stuff, a space theme would be nice, but 100% optional.