The New American Society
I was talking to people in the town of Beloit in Kansas State. Trying to organise our protests and our movements to stand against the Trump-Musk takeover of our nation. Trying to formulate plans to reorient the politics of local demographics by creating solidarity between groups that form the corner stones or Kasnas society.
During that discussion, I made the following comment that made me think about American society as a whole: "Precisely, American society has (for better or for worse) has been irreparably changed. There is no going back anymore. And we will do our part to ensure that this new American society will be a better one than the one that allowed for autocratic take-over".
And a discussion on the reorientation of American society as to allow otherwise disperate groups to stand together in opposition to oligarchic rule and the dismantling of our nation; led to me thinking about this very statement. That the American society we all were born into and grew-up in is irreparably changed. It will never go back to the way things were. When the fascist regime is taken down, we will have to ensure that such a thing could never happen again. And this requires significant changes to how we think about our politics and our laws.
It will require reformatting society to make the American people more personally involved in its politics and more aware of data in order to make informed decision. It will require changes in what we allow private interests to do within our nation, and will require we change our culture of billionaire worship and celebrity worship so that we think of all Americans on the same playing field and lesson the social impact of wealth inequality.
Such changes will have dramatic changes in on themselves on American society and culture. On top of what has already happened in this past month. In the end, what we are left with is a society that has already died in the fires of fascist hate and ignorance. But, the ideals of America are as strong as ever. Suddenly, when threatened from within, the importance of the national fictions we tell, the rituals we perform, everything, gains a significance not felt for an entire generation.
But we cannot continue to support a dead corpse of an old society. Though, we can from the embers of that old America birth a new America. With the ideals promised built in from the foundation of the old, evolved for the changing world. A new America that preserves the nation and the constitution for which is stands, that truly and without question must defend the ideals of Republic and the common good against regressive internal enemies.
To show before the world our rebirth from the ashes of our own self-inflicted fall. To assure our allies that we will commit to a future where we can be trusted again, and our enemies that we will never lose our nerve again.
What will this new society look like? That is something we, the people, must decide upon together. We will make mistakes, we will fail time and time again, but we will persevere, and the nation for which we the people stand today, will be preserved.
For clarity sake, when I speak of a new America, I do not mean dismantling the nation. Musk and Trump are already doing that. But a new society at the helm of this nation forever more.