Anyone else just nonstop thinking about next Tuesday?

There’s approximately 136 hours until Oxford decisions are released (for the record, that’s like watching Gilmore Girls once, and then watching season one again, or watching all the main Harry Potter movies back to back 14 times, or walking from central London to Oxford and back 3 times, or walking the entire distance from central London to Edinburgh without a single break or approximately 32 thousand instagram reels) and it’s all I can think about.

I have no idea how my interviews went, but I keep overthinking it and the more I think the worse I feel. I’m in the middle of mocks and thought that would mean this week would just speed by. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’m only in school for the actual exams, and have a school trip on Friday, and then the weekend so that’s so much more time to fill with overthinking. The only time I got my mind off of it was at 1.30am last night listening to 1 and a half hours of static and ambience in the form of Ethel cain’s amazing new album.

I’m going crazy and I want you all to go crazy as well. I gotta know. It doesn’t help that I still haven’t heard back from Durham or Edinburgh, and I’m crawling around the walls in anticipation.