How much responsibility should be placed on the Mormon Church?

I know that people have different opinions on how much blame should be placed on the Mormon Church for this situation.

Here's an experience I had as a young mom in the mormon church. It was 2001-ish and I lived in a predominantly Mormon community in Arizona. The local Stake hosted a fireside for young parents and we were all highly encouraged to attend. Childcare was provided for free by the Young Women (teenagers) to make sure nobody had an excuse to skip out. The fireside was held at the local high school auditorium due the the large number of people expected to attend.

The speaker was an LDS family therapist. I do not remember his name, but he was awful. His big thing was that punishment worked best if it was a "Natural Consequence". Sound familiar? He also suggested removing bedroom doors. Taking away beds. Taking away all clothing except a singular outfit that would have to be worn every single day. Taking away all toys. Withholding food with the exception of very bland food like plain rice, beans, and oatmeal. His strategy was to make your child's life so uncomfortable that they would be 100% willing to unconditionally obey to avoid future punishment. I was so bothered when we left, but some people in my ward talked for months afterwards about how great those ideas were.

A few years later, probably 1996-ish, my in-laws were living in Salt Lake City. They were struggling with their youngest daughter who was about 17 at the time. Honestly, it was just normal teenager stuff. But, their bishop referred them to a local LDS family therapist. Their first session freaked them out so bad because the therapist told them that their daughter was acting out because a gang of evil spirits had attached themselves to her and they were constantly whispering in her ears and they were the reason for her misbehavior. My in-laws believed this guy 100% and my sister in law was terrified about what this therapist was going to do to get rid of the evil spirits. My MIL was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks later, and the whole evil spirit narrative kinda fell through the cracks (thank God).

Both of these "therapists" worked for LDS Family Services. Both of them taught awful things. Church leadership referred members to both of them and promoted their teachings.

So, I don’t know...I feel like the church is partially to blame for the monsters that Ruby and Jody became.