Am I losing my mind about Niles?
I am finally caught up to the tell all.
All I see on these subs is how much everyone loves Niles and Matilda and a lot of excuses being made for Niles's behavior.
This man lied to Matilda at every possible turn. This is not an autism issue. This is an asshole issue. He not only lied to Matilda constantly, he also threw her under the bus at the first possible chance to Mr. Arc. He lied to everyone about his money, how long the visa process would take, literally everything. His behavior at the tell all was outrageous. People are saying he should be the new Shawn, like, what? He is combative and rude. The same behavior people get mad at Adnan for, Niles also displayed. When Adnan asked Matilda how Niles would react to her getting looks from other men, she answered he would be jealous and Niles got mad.
I don't understand why so many people are choosing to overlook this behavior for Niles. I feel bad for his wife, stuck in Ghana because he lied.