My thoughts about Bucks relationships

Hey y’all, I am on a rewatch of season 2 and with all of the posts that I’ve seen about how people feel about Bucks love interests I have had a lot of thoughts due to my rewatch. I’ve been writing them down as I go through episodes and it started out as me just venting about Taylor Kelly and then turned into why I think it makes sense for Buddie to become cannon. You don’t have to read this but I’m putting it here anyway. Beforehand I would like to say that the Taylor part didn’t have anything to do with Buddie and I wasn’t even planning on writing about that until I got to the next episode then it got out of control. None of this is coming from a shipper mindset and I do not dislike any of their love interests because of a ship. It was originally solely about Bucks shitty dating history. I am historically terrible at explaining my thoughts on things so I hope I explained everything well enough.

In season 2 episode 6 (her debut) she said that she’s a reporter, you don’t have to like it, but you don’t get to make her feel bad about it because that’s her job. I’ve seen people bring this up as a way to defend her and to counter the arguments people have against her. The problem is that the reason people hate her is her complete lack of empathy and respect for other people. You can have both of those things and still be a good reporter and tell accurate stories. She doesn’t get to hide behind her job as a way to avoid valid criticism. Personally, I think Taylor is a completely unlikable character and it always seemed to me like that was on purpose. It didn’t feel like she was originally meant to become as much a part of the show as she did. Her debut episode framed her as the bad guy in a lot of the scenes and the only character who seemed to like her at all was Buck who, especially at that time, was well known for not making great decisions. If people like her as a character that’s fine, you’re allowed to. However I think that the constant complaining about how most people don’t like her is unjustified and unnecessary. She wasn’t meant to be a character that people liked, and when they brought her in for the love interest arc with Buck she was written so terribly that there wasn’t really any chance of her ever becoming a fan favorite.

On that note, I’ve also seen people defend Abby and Taylor by saying that since they were both written so badly that it’s unfair to judge them so harshly. I don’t agree with that either. It’s a valid point to make that the writers do a shit job writing love interests for Buck, but that doesn’t mean that what exists of those characters should be immune to criticism from fans.

Abby had a lot more to watch with her character since she had the whole thing with her mom and being the narrator for episodes. She easily could have been a great character but the completely unnecessary romance ruined her. The age gap, adding in the thing with Tommy later on (which to me felt random and more of just a reason for the writers to end the relationship), leaving for months without contact, etc. It all sucked honestly because she could have been a useful side character. Whenever she wasn’t with Buck or talking about Buck I liked her a lot honestly. I should also take a moment to mention how ridiculous it is that people blame Buddie for people being against Abby. It seems like those people forget that Eddie wasn’t even in season 1 and she already left the country when he was introduced. Blaming Buddie for people not liking either of these relationships feels like a cop out of critical thinking and a way to make people feel crazy for thinking that two lazily written characters were lazily written.

I’ve also wondered a lot why they seem to fail so much with love interests when other main female characters like Hen, Karen, Maddie and even women from Lone Star are written so well. I don’t know if both shows have the same writers but still. The conclusion that I’ve come to and that I’ve seen some other people come to as well is that it’s because those characters aren’t meant to last very long. The writers know from the start that those love interests (including Tommy) are only temporary and therefore there’s no point in wasting too much budget or screen time or developing them. It would make a lot more sense for them to just give up on doing that and to just focus on permanent love interests that can be developed properly. That’s why I do think that Buddie will become cannon even though some people still think it won’t. Not even from a shipper standpoint but just logically. That relationship is already popular in a large part of the fandom, both characters aren’t fan favorites who have been written and developed for years, and every time they try to introduce someone new it doesn’t go well because they’ve written themselves into a corner just like the Supernatural writers did with Destiel where the bond they’ve given those two characters (whether romantically or not) is so strong that every love interest that comes in between just can’t live up to it. If they tried to bring someone new on permanently there may be issues with scheduling or getting the audience to accept a new character. At least with Ryan and Oliver they pretty much know that won’t happen. Even if it’s not what the writers wanted it’s their best option at this point and it’s completely their own fault.

It also makes sense because they seem to be setting up a parallel. In Shannon’s debut episode they have this conversation

Sh: “you know why I had to go”

E: “yeah, but we were expecting you to come back and you didn’t”

Sh: “you could’ve come with me, but you didn’t wanna leave Texas and your parents and your sisters. At least not until it was something that was important to you”

Then there is Buck, living in Abby’s house waiting for her to come back and she never does. Since we pretty much know now that Eddie is moving back to Texas, Buck will be waiting for him back in LA. There are some theories that he might move into Eddie’s house while he’s away which would be insane but I wouldn’t put it past the writers at this point. Regardless of if that happens or not I genuinely think that they may be setting up the parallel of Eddie moving away and Buck waiting for him to come back and this time he actually will unlike Abby, because Buck is important to him.

I saw somewhere recent bits of an interview where it implied that the Tommy storyline was originally meant for Eddie. I do not know if that it true or not, but if it is that tells me they have been building up to cannon Buddie since at least season 7. That would explain why Tommy was necessary in order to have one of them come out. It also falls into the theme of poorly written temporary love interests because it felt like the writers just reached around and pulled Tommy out of their ass just because they didn’t want to go through the trouble of writing a new backstory. He already existed briefly in the past so you have context for how he is known by the other characters and they found a way to connect him with Abby. They never needed to put any more effort into his development after that.

That’s all I’m writing for now because this is way too long and I honestly wouldn’t even read this much if someone else posted it so i apologize. I’m rewatching season 2 and I have a lot of thoughts that I just wanted to write down. Also I am currently on episode 7 and I am still sad about that damn horse. RIP Officer City Slicker.