ACL Surgery scheduled in 2.5 weeks, need advice.

Hopefully this type of post is allowed. 40M tore ACL during soccer game. I am planning on having ACL surgery in 2.5 weeks, and they will use the patellar tendon. I might have small tears in the meniscus but the MRI was inconclusive.

Based on reading through posts here is my plan.

  • Surgery is on a Tuesday, and I plan to take Wed-Friday off. Will I be able to move around by the Friday night (I have kids in activities).
  • I am supposed to fly 2 weeks post-surgery, is that realistic?
  • I am going to rent an ice and compression machine. (My surgeon recommends NICE, is there a better alternative?)
  • My goal is to get back to being very active (do I need to wait 12 months or longer?)
  • I'll have PT pre-op and post-op, but not sure how many days/week is normal?

Anyways, I am really frustrated about the whole situation but hopefully this community will help keep my spirits up (or at least keep it realistic.)