[FT] Selling cooking/crafting recipes [LF] for bells and some for [FREE]

Hi there, I've got some crafting and cooking recipes for sale. For simplicity's sake, I will be selling for bells. However, if you own some spare crafting/cooking recipes yourself, I am looking for some specific ones, so I'd be down to trade a recipe for one of yours. There will be a list below of the recipes I am looking for. Price ranges from 1,000-5,000 bells per recipe, but some are free because they're basic ones and most players probably have them. See the list below:


-Apple wall: 2,000 bells

-Bamboo bench: 1,000 bells

-Bamboo floor lamp: 1,000 bells

-Bamboo shelf: 1,000 bells

-Beekeeper's hive: 2,000 bells

-Birdbath: 1,000 bells

-Birdcage: 1,000 bells

-Bone doorplate: 1,000 bells

-Cherry rug: 2,000 bells

-Classic-library wall: 1,000 bells

-Crest doorplate: 1,000 bells

-Dark tulip crown: 3.500 bells

-Document stack: FREE

-Doghouse: 1,500 bells

-floral swag: FREE

-garden wagon: 3,500 bells

-glowing-moss jar: 2,000 bells

-glowing-moss stool: 3,000 bells

-gold-screen wall: 2,000 bells

-golden candlestick: 1,000 bells

-golden gears: 1,000 bells

-gong: 1,000 bells

-honeycomb flooring - 1,500 bells (x2 available)

-infused-water dispenser: 1,500 bells

-iron closet: 1,500 bells

-iron garden bench: 2,000 bells

-iron worktable: 2,000 bells

-ironwood bed: 1,500 bells

-knitted-grass backpack: FREE

-lovely cosmos crown: 2,000 bells (x2 available)

-medium cardboard boxes: FREE

-modeling clay: FREE

-mountain standee: FREE

-mum cushion: 1,000 bells

-orange wall-mounted clock: 1,000 bells

-peach chair: 1,000 bells

-pear umbrella: FREE

-robot hero: 5,000 bells

-sandy-beach flooring: 1,000 bells

-shell rug: 1,000 bells

-small cardboard boxes: FREE

-spooky arch: 1,500 bells

-spooky candy set: 1,000 bells

-stacked fish containers: 1,000 bells

-stacked magazines: FREE

-starry-sands flooring: 1,000 bells

-tall lantern: FREE

-traditional balancing toy: FREE

-tree's bounty mobile: FREE

-ukelele: 1,000 bells

-water pump: 1,000 bells

-windflower fan: 1,000 bells

-wooden double bed: 1,000 bells

-wooden end table: 1,000 bells

-wooden-mosaic wall 1,000 bells

-wooden simple bed 1,000 bells


-frosted pretzels: 1,000 bells (x2 available)

-gnocchi di carote: 1,000 bells

-minestrone soup: 1,000 bells (x2 available)

-potato curry 1,000 bells

-salad-stuffed tomato 1,000 bells

-veggie quiche 1,000 bells

If you would like to trade with another recipe instead of bells, here are some recipes (not already crafted items) I'm looking for:

-apple smoothie

-apple tart

-apple jelly

-apple jam

-baked potatoes

-bamboo shoot soup

-bread (NOT organic bread)

-bread gratin

-brown sugar pound cake

-cake salé

-champiñones al ajillo

-cherry pie

-cherry smoothie

-cherry tart

-coconut oil

-coconut pancakes

-cherry blossom petal pile

-iron and stone fence

-garden bench

-fish and chips

-fruit cupcakes

-fruit-topped pancakes

-peach jam

-peach pie

-peach jelly

-peach tart

-pear smoothie

-pickled veggies

-any mermaid furniture EXCEPT FOR mermaid table

-pile of cardboard boxes

-potato galette

-seafood ajillo

-seafood pizza

-tension-pole rack

-tomates al ajillo