Riot just seems to hate playstyles with a high ceiling for mechanical skill
As someone who started playing league 4 years ago, something I’ve always hated about the game is how little you’re rewarded for mechanical skill. Riot just doesn’t care that much about it, possibly because of balancing pro play and solo queue at the same time. For example, look at top lane. Duelist split pushers like riven, fiora irelia etc where you have to be sound mechanically, and play to win lane are almost always worse on every patch than split pushers where you don’t have the outplay potential, instead the champions rely on you not fighting in lane and permanently side laning. Champions like yorick garen trundle and nasus have high sustain built into their kits making them very forgiving and reward a macro heavy playstyle instead. I think something similar is happening with adcs, because the carry potential is so high in the role if you have good mechanics, they’re permanently nerfing us and replacing us with mages, which have a more waveclear playstyle in lane, as opposed to the more skilled spacing, auto trading playstyle that adcs have. When was the last time a non utility adc (not jhin Ashe mf) was a top 3 bot lane pick? Unfortunately, riot just doesn’t seem to like the idea of solo carrying which made us fall in love with the role.