Feel like life will end after Uni
I’m 27 and will be done with my degree soon-ish and it’s not something I’m looking forward to at all. I’m absolutely terrified of the prospect of having to get an actual job and working that once I got my degree.
To me it feels like my life will be absolutely worthless after that. I’ll do nothing other than sleep, get up, go to work. I can see myself breaking up with my partner to fully focus on just being miserable at my stupid job and never seeing my friends again.
I know I sound like a kid who never grew up saying all this but it’s how I felt since forever. While I have worked before it was never full time except when I had placements at Uni where I actually had to be there full time which was never for longer than 6 week at a time and the ones I’m thinking about right now were absolutely dreadful and exactly the way I imagined them to be.
Is this an ADHD thing? Is there a solution to this? Rationally I know I can’t get out of working forever and I’m just being dramatic and that’s how things are.