Adderall Questions
I'm hoping to get some ADHD perspectives on taking Adderall. I'm starting to get frustrated with the process of figuring out what is right for me or if medication is what I need?
I've started on 15 mg of IR Adderall in morning and 7.5 in afternoon.
It has been really helpful some days and allows me to keep working far longer than I'd usually be able to.
I have had some typical side effects of decreased appetite and headaches. I don't think I can tolerate the headaches that much longer tho and the decreased appetite has made it really difficult to eat anything other than my safest foods.
I am going to get started on XR soon but the pharmacy is out of stock of it and has no idea when they'll get them back, and I understand this is a widespread issue.
I also have been having a very difficult time getting up in the morning and starting work until the meds kick in. I've been sleeping fine, but it feels almost like my executive functioning is even worse when the meds have kicked in.
Not sure what I'm looking for, I'm just frustrated that the benefits are starting to be outweighed by these other annoyances. Thank you for any advice.
TLDR, I started Adderall but not sure if it's right for me. Side effects and shortages are frustrating. My executive functioning feels worse than before in the morning before I take a dose.