I have an evaluation next Friday! What should I expect?

So I finally scheduled an evaluation to see if I officially have ADHD. I’ve thought for years now I might and many people in my life have even said they thought I might as well.

But the place I’m getting this done at does a full psych evaluation too. And they mentioned they can evaluate me for autism and OCD (as well as other things but that’s what I’m curious about). Which I highly suspect I’m on the autism spectrum, and just curious about the OCD.

Anyways - as far as the adhd part of it goes. How were the evaluations for all of you? What should I expect? Is there any way I can prepare?

They told me to expect for it to be 3 hours long.

I have anxiety too so just not knowing exactly how I’ll be just freaks me out a bit 😅

But I’m excited to finally get some answers!