Tired of being tired
Bit of a disclaimer. I’m waiting for my assessment, but showing all the signs of inattentive adhd.
I’ve been on this sub for a few weeks, and it feels like I’ve finally found a group of people who actually get how it feels
Some of the things people have said, has put into words how I’ve been feeling for so long. It feels all my life I’ve been it’s been on hard mode - and I’ve chalked it up to being anxious, stupid, a shit person, weak. All the things that many people do.
I’m waiting for my assessment (through right to choose) , with the hope of medication. I was originally told in October, I’d be seen in November. But every month they have pushed the date back a month. I know every where is over stretched, and I empathise as it’s people like me (us) who I know are waiting to be seen. I’m just so tired now.
I’m tired of waiting for some support, of people telling me what I should do (focus harder, be better, cheer up). I’m tired of feeling like I’m not living, while everyone else is. I’m tired of how much energy I have to put into just enjoying things. I’m tired of feeling like a burden, and an absolutely energy drainer to my friends and family.
I just wanted to share, as I’m getting to a point where I struggle to see how my quality of life improves in any way at the moment, and I’m so tired of being tired all the time.
Know it’s a bit of a whinge! I just feel this community are the only ones who have some understanding.
How some of you cope? I just don’t have any mechanisms that work anymore.