Still can’t do much despite being on Elvanse
Hi so I’ve been on Elvanse for 2 weeks now. I’ve been titrating since Thursday 13th Feb and started with 20 mg. I then increased to 30mg on the 20th Feb and finally yesterday, 27th Feb I increased my dose to 40 mg. At first I was struggling with sleep and couldn’t sleep on the first two days but it got better after that but then each time I increase the dose I’d struggle with my sleep again which I presume is normal. My main issue is that despite using Elvanse I still can’t seem to get out of bed or do much. On the first few days I was like Wonder Woman and was cleaning up like it was nothing but after a few days I became kind of lazy and have been struggling to do any simple tasks since then. I thought maybe once the dose increases I might improve again but it seems like there hasn’t been an improvement. If anything I’m almost worse than I was before. Can anyone please tell me their experiences with Elvanse and whether they still struggle with getting out of bed and doing daily tasks?