Need help with quests!!

Hey everyone! So, I have made quite a few characters, trying to get the feel for different classes. So far I have found a few that really get me excited to play!! That said, most of my characters have completed the few quests that can be found in the general starting area. I have migrated across the river to the west and have found some dungeons, a tower and a pyramid on the other side. I am all game to keep playing, but I do not have any quests!! I seem to have missed out on many of them because I either did not talk to the right people at the right time or my level was just too high to find any quests that are appropriate.

For example, my archer is level 17 and I can't seem to find anyone in the starting area that will give a quest to him. I just crossed the river, have found quite a few places, but I do not have the quests to play on.

I do not like to use online walkthroughs or guides, as it gives everything away, and I know that dungeons are procedurely generated, so that's a plus, but I do not know where to go or what to do. Can someone please help me?!?!?