AITAH for wanting some space from my daughter after she believed I was an abuser?

Basically I (41M) was accused of sexually assaulting her (16F) friend (17F). She's known her just over a year so I've known her for the same amount of time.

She tried to kiss me, I turned her down and as a result she accused me of raping her. It went on for a few weeks and even went to the police and it only came out when they were grilling her and she finally admitted it. She was assaulted but it was her mum's boyfriend and she went with accusing me because I was the "safe" option or some shit like that.

When my daughter found out at the time and I was being investigated though, she cut me off. Basically didn't even want to talk to me or see me - I tried to pick her up to come over but she said she didn't even want to see me. My ex wouldn't even let me in the house (even she believed it) and her brother/my ex BIL physically assaulted me and removed me from the house because I wouldn't go until I seen my daughter. Worst thing was, she blocked me on social media but before she did she put a status on her social media just saying some bollocks like "Believe women". Which fucking hurt - In my daughter's eyes, I was a rapist and I assaulted her friend.

So now it's all came out and I'm cleared, she rang me up to say she wants to come over to talk but I said no - I don't think it's a good idea, it hurt me when she didn't believe me so I want to just think for a bit until I forgive her. My ex then rang saying how hurt my daughter is because I won't forgive her - she tried to apologise too and I told her I don't accept her apology either and that I don't want to talk to her either.

They're not stopping texting me though and my daughter tried to come over and was banging my door asking to come in crying. I pretended I wasn't in.

AITAH for wanting some space because I don't know if I can forgive her yet?

Edited to add because people keep on asking "why were you alone with a 17 year old." I wasn't really "alone" with her. They were both staying at my house, I went for a wee in the middle of the night and she was waiting outside the toilet door and scared me a bit coming out. I laughed it off and she basically lunged trying to kiss me. I laughed it off, told her no and went back to bed. I didn't really pay it any more attention and truth be told, forgot about it.


I've messaged her saying basically I'm still too hurt to want to talk and I need time and space and that I'll let her know when I want to get in touch. I also said I still love her (despite not really being sure if I should say that when I am not sure if I can forgive yet).

I've also messaged my ex saying to make sure she or my daughter don't contact me again until I'm ready. Not heard anything back yet but hopefully I won't.

Someone on here (can't remember who, sorry) said I should look into a holiday which really isn't a bad idea so I'm currently looking into places I can go for a week or so and might book some time off work.