AITA for being concerned about the impression my gf makes on others?

My (20F) girlfriend (19F) is the most kind, sweet, and caring person I’ve ever met. She’s also incredibly intelligent and has been my rock for almost three years now. We’ve been through so much together, and she’s always been there for me no matter what. Our relationship is strong, and our communication is open and honest.

That said, I’m struggling with something, and I want to approach it with care and understanding. When we’re around other people, she can be very socially awkward, and sometimes it comes off as rude. It’s so different from how she is with me, where she’s thoughtful and considerate. But in group settings, her behavior makes me worry about the impression she leaves on others.

For example, at my best friend’s (19F) party, my girlfriend turned off the music (everybody was only just starting to drink at this point) and made everyone sit down to watch 2, hour-long episodes of a show she loves. Another time, on a double date with the same friend, she farted at the dinner table and laughed, saying, “Hehe, just farted,” twice. There are also moments when she calls me while I’m busy with family, and she’ll sound disappointed if I can’t talk right away. And that makes my younger sister mainly, feel guilty for hanging out.

I love my gf so much and want others to see the same wonderful person I do. But her social behavior has led to awkward moments, especially with my best friend, and I’ve found myself apologising for her actions more than once. It’s hard because I don’t want her to feel like she has to change who she is, but I also don’t want these situations to put a strain on how others perceive her—or us.

I haven’t brought this up with her because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. I just want to approach this in a way that’s loving and constructive, but I’m not sure how—or if it’s even right for me to feel this way.

AITA for being concerned about this?