AITAH for telling my wife that sleeping with her isn’t enough?

This is a throw away.

I’ve had trouble with this issue and my wife for a long time. It’s been more than a few years so I’m starting to feel like she simply doesn’t want to keep having sex if it takes effort to please me. And frankly I’m starting to realize that she never did. She is not the most sexual person.. unless something sexual is happening to her. She achieves her goal, more than once typically. But I’m kinda left aside when she’s finished.

Now I know this sounds dumb to everyone but it really does make me feel bad about myself. Like why don’t I deserve that kind of attention? What am I doing wrong that she doesn’t want to go anymore once she’s finished? I’ve shared my feelings on reciprocating, but it’s been years. I don’t think even constant talking is about it is getting through. And she’s just as able to not have sex at all, when I’m not the one trying to engage with her. Like it doesn’t matter, until we’re in the moment. Then she gets hers and I’m tossed aside. Idk. I just don’t feel love.

I asked why she doesn’t want to please me and was left with a blank glare and no answer. It’s that or a weak, “I do” with no follow up. I’ve also been told that we have sex for too long. But I’m like, “you’re having orgasms” like??? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. And she’s not even that upset by my issue. I felt more guilty about saying anything and that’s why I’m here. I swear, this shit is giving me anxiety. Like am I expendable? If it’s good for you then why do I feel like garbage?

Thanks for reading.