AITAH for being trans and calling out the trans community?

I've actually been banned from "trans" groups both online and IRL, for my more "outspoken" opinions on what I feel strongly has become a trans trend/social contagion and a bunch of confused, attention seeking, angsty, rebellious, narcissistic, young people (mostly) wanting to jump on the newest trend, and this one gets them brownie points within GLBTQIA+ circles, makes them "edgy" and "cool", something they can still use to play victim to, and claim made up oppression points for. It's like the BPD/drama queen/attention whore holy Grail!

And we ALL damn well know not all these kids and young college kids are truly trans. They've come in and manipulated, appropriated, "redefined" a real, legit, mental disorder that those who are REALLY TRANS struggle with from gender dysphoria which is WHY they transition. But this be new group of "trans"? I dunno, they want to "redefine" (read manipulate) the criteria to be whatever they can make up that will allow them to be included. So gender dysphoria? Naaah, don't need that no more! 🙄 It's all about whatever you "feel" and "self ID" as now. A medical professionals diagnosis? Nah, not necessary, because we dont have to meet criteria or listen to other people. It's all about us and what we want and how we feel. And they are SO aggressively in your face about it too. And it's like the more "queer" or "trans" you can look and act (as if "trans" itself is an identity and not a process) the better.

I transitioned 20 years ago. No regrets. Very happy life. But the audacity, the delusion, the lack of respect for those in this community which been here LONG before it was "trendy" and who are LEGIT, the snark, the belligerence, the entitlement, the narcissism, the forcing of ideologies, and lack of listening to others in seeing NOW in this community? No. Fuck this. I don't want to me lumped in with that, or lead people to think that this is what all trans are like, because I most certainly am NOT! So AITAH for calling out this new "trans" whatever this is?