AITA for wanting to publicly execute everyone who says "Anything you want to do" after i ask them "what do you want to do"

Okay, hear me out. I have this thing that drives me absolutely crazy and it's when I ask someone "What do you want to do?" (like, for dinner, or plans for the day, etc.) and they respond with "Anything you want to do."

I get that it's probably meant to be polite or accommodating, but I swear it's the most frustrating response ever. It feels like they're putting the entire responsibility of making a decision on me, and honestly, it's such a cop-out. If I ask you what YOU want to do, it's because I want to know what you prefer. It shouldn't be a test of how well I can make decisions for both of us.

And the worst part? It always feels like I have to come up with something on the spot, and if I don't, the answer is met with either boredom or the dreaded "I'm fine with whatever" comment, followed by silence. Like, can you just tell me what you actually want??

I get that it’s a hyperbolic reaction, but now I’m wondering if I’m being unreasonable. AITA for getting this upset and wanting to publicly execute someone over a phrase that’s probably meant innocently?