AITA for telling my gf that her health standards don’t apply to me
Hey Reddit,
I’ve been a bit under the weather recently so I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed. The few times I leave the bed are either for eating or showering.
My girlfriend recently stopped by to take care of me and I really appreciate her for that. She would help me in ways like bringing me water and/or food which has helped.
One of my comfort foods is mozzarella cheese, specifically cheese sticks. I was snacking on some tonight, and after my girlfriend came over she would volunteer to grab me some from the fridge.
After a few tonight, I asked her to grab me another cheese stick but she told me that it was too many, and that I would give myself stomach pain. I told her that 1) it’s my choice, and 2) I’m under the weather so please just give me what I want.
She still refused and didn’t get me one. I only asked her nicely, but after I knew she wouldn’t I just went and got it myself. After that, I was pretty upset and already tired, so I just ate it and went to sleep and ignored him. I was done with the night and too tired to argue anymore.
I woke up a few hours later to texts from her saying I’m rude and she was just looking out for me. I don’t think I did anything evil I was just really upset and tired after the day.
I know this sounds trivial and stupid but still I think with everything going on it’s still an issue. To be clear, I wasn’t mad that she didn’t do what I said, more that she just didn’t trust what I wanted.