AITA for Feeling Awkward About My Wife’s Sperm Donor Choice After Finding Out About His Traits?

After struggling to conceive, my wife and I decided to use a sperm donor. Since we’re doing IVF, I got to choose the gender, and we’re having a boy. In return, my wife had complete control over selecting the donor, so I didn’t read the profile until after she was already pregnant since she surprised me.

When I finally read it, I was caught off guard. The donor has bright red hair and ‘the most freckles they’ve ever seen,’ according to the clinic. He even says in his profile that people tell him he has the world record for freckles—they’re ‘all over his face, arms, legs, chest, back, and basically everywhere.’ He explained that both his parents and all his grandparents were heavily freckled, so it’s practically guaranteed our son will have them too. His freckles are described as ‘impossible not to notice from across the room.’

When I asked why she picked him, my wife said it was for his Ph.D., love for symphony music and reading, and his impressive career. She didn’t think twice about the freckles or red hair and barely remembered it was mentioned, though I don’t see how. I don’t have freckles, so this wasn’t something I expected, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

We’re thrilled she’s pregnant, but I wonder—will our son love his freckles or feel self-conscious? Have you been surprised by a donor choice, or do freckles make kids self-conscious? Would love your thoughts.