AITA for telling a family member to f*ck off?

TW: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse, if you need more context I will provide it to the best of my memory

Hey everyone I know this sounds bad but that’s why I’m coming to all of you for answers and get another perspective

For starters this has to do with my grandmother on my mothers side, now you may think she’s the type of grandmother who was constantly baking cookies, had good stories to tell and would sit with you in her backyard and hear about your life and give you advice, unfortunately my grandmother was the opposite, manipulative, rude, and sometimes violent and maybe even narcissistic, and she knew her way with words to make you feel like you’re worth less than you really are, and she’s done this ever since me and my siblings were young, and as we got older we became smarter and realized what she was doing and proceeded to distance ourselves over time, I’d say around 2017 is when the relationship between us and her really began to deteriorate, in 2022 I officially decided to cut her off as I couldn’t handle the toxicity and the fact that she said some really rude things to my parents that really messed with their heads for a while but I’m glad to say they’ve both recovered from this

Fast forward to December 2024 and I’m about to go see a movie that at the time didn’t start for about another 45 minutes so I go to the store to pass the time and so I check the time and I see that I had a notification from instagram saying I had a new follower, curious I checked and lo and behold it was my grandmother, yes I verified it because she had other social media accounts connected to it, since I was about to see the movie and it was one I had been looking forward to for a while i decided to leave it be for the night, however the next day at work I had to have answers, so during my lunch I decided to see what was going on and she said that she followed me because she “loves me” but wanted to stay quiet, which I knew was a lie and obviously enraged me, now at this point I know I should’ve just blocked her and left well enough alone but something told me to keep going, so I got to the meat of it and asked her if she stayed quiet because of how she treated us and hurt us, and she proceeded to get insanely defensive believing she hadn’t done anything wrong and that she never meant it and that she was “suffering” for it each day, at this point it my patience with her had run out and I told her I would defend my family even long after I leave this world and that she could fuck right off, after it indicated that she saw the message i then decided it was best to block her, now I’m sure people on her side believe that I’m an asshole but I feel like I was defending my family as I should do and that she had this coming for a while.

So Reddit, I leave this to you, AITA?