Buying AMC is a form of social activism

Its no secret that we all came here for money. What I got that surprised me, an education. I have learned so much these past few years. I learned that some of the companies I loved as kid were put out of business by the same people who over leveraged themselves to put AMC out of business. You can say they did it to themselves, fundamentals, on and on. But these bastards stepped on their necks. They want the tax free money gained from getting a bankruptcy. And they arent done. I also learned about market mechanics, grass roots movements, greed, manipulation, complicit politicians, and most of all the power of the people. I am grateful. No education is free!! Sure, I wish this played out all ready, we all do. But I am not at all discouraged. I know that I have a beautiful wife, a family that loves me, the potential to earn and grow my wealth through blood, sweat and tears. I am ambitious and driven to strive for a better United States and a better me. I sleep good at night knowing that I have more strength and knowledge everyday and knowing hedgie is losing sleep, they squirm and slither, and sink to new lows and kick the can to stay alive. I dont have to!!! . My head is high. We may be down on the brokerages, but I feel up in my heart. Knowing my Ape fam is hodling strong. Each share I buy is my chance to make a small difference in a place that I love. That is social activism. Thats why we will win.l! Sometimes it takes a while for the truth to be heard, for justice to be had, for karma to come. But it always does. Just remember this. Anyone can start something. It takes a legend to finish it! Ape love Ape. Ape love to buy stock. Apes being born through education every day. This sub is infiltrated, there are far more of us than they want us to know. Teams of account holders whose only job is to downvote and make us think we quit. This fight is still in its infancy. You can feel the awakening. So can they. Thats why we have shills. ✊🏻❤️💰