Bereavement Time - Policy

So I looked into our Bereavement time in the HR Policy “handbook” as I unfortunately need to use mine (a relative passer away recently); I’ve had to use it in the past for other family members passing and remember it being 3 days that we get, still is but I emailed my managers just to confirm and let them know my situation but then remembered that info would probably be in a handbook/guidance somewhere, at the last second and found it. It reads:

Bereavement absence is allowed in the event of the death of an employees family member as follows: up to 3 paid days for a spouse, domestic partner, children, stepchildren, siblings, step siblings, parents, step parents, legal guardians, grandparents, grandchildren, grand parents in law, sister or brother in law, mother/father in law and spouse of employees child.

One paid day is given for extended family including aunts, uncles, cousins and great grandparents.

Does this not seem a bit insensitive or am I just being soft? I mean not trying to seem like I care about money more than the actual fact a family member has passed but, only giving 3 paid days off seems like nothing. Obviously we all grieve in different ways and heck, some people may only want 1 or 2 days off and then get back to work to keep their mind preoccupied but losing a parent or a sibling or heck, outliving your own child and they expect you to return to work after 3 days or burn some of your hard earned pto? Idk if this is more the standard for specifically, most AML/KYC employers or rather the corporate world as a whole..