How quiet is Asus ROG Flow X16?
I have read/heard from a few places that Asus ROG Flow X16 is quiet on silent mode, while still offering decent gaming performance. This got my interest, because it is very important to me, that fan noise is minimal and doesn't affect my immersion in game. Playing games at FHD high-medium graphics settings with 30-40 FPS is alright for me, as long as fan noise doesn't ruin my immersion. I read some reviews and tests, but am still uncertain, just how quiet Flow X16 exactly is.
Could some people who have experience with Flow X16 give me insight about its performance and fan noise during gaming? For example could you play RDR 2, CS 2 or Witcher 3 on silent mode without fan noise being distracting either to you or other people in the room? What is the RPM of fans on silent mode? I think that 2000 RPM is maximum I could tolerate, but maybe it depends on the fans.
I have also heard good things about G-Helper software. It is described as giving much freedom over setting CPU/GPU power and fan speeds. So it is possible for everyone to find their optimal settings?
If you are so kind to share your experiences with Flow X16, then please also mention your CPU/GPU just in case that it has mentionable effect :)