Why do fans love cross-examination so much?
I've seen a lot of discussion around favorite minigames in Ace Attorney and I really just don't understand. Why have I never heard a negative opinion on cross-examinations? Why do people hate Speckled Band so much "because it doesn't have a cross-examination"? Why hasn't anyone ever contacted Capcom to remove this feature in future installments.
I'll briefly lay out the three reasons why this mechanic is asinine:
It's not actual gameplay, it's only reading text
I get a lot of penalties and game overs because the gameplay is quite often unfair
They take far too long to complete. Sometimes you have to press 5-6 statements and it really breaks the flow between minigames.
I'm not crazy right??? Am I the only one who feels this way????? To anyone who agrees, what mechanic do you think they should replace this with?