Why you need to start a business.

Hey everyone, just wanted to jump on here and share some stuff that’s helped me maintain my confidence, youth, and personality as I’ve become an adult.

3 years ago I graduated college and started an interior home remodeling business, there have been ups and downs but overall it’s been the best decision of my life.

Find your support structures and leverage them to enable you to work on a business that will financially support you. If you have nothing and nobody I would suggest taking a safe path like retail management and save up until you can work on your dream. It may seem soul sucking but I’ve worked around many different places and honestly it’s very chill in comparison to some places I’ve worked.

Overall a business is the only way you can truly work on a passion that will financially support your life. This will give your energy, time, and sanity back to you. Being an adult should be more freeing than being a child, accept the responsibility you have to yourself and your family and look for something you love and as long as you never give up on your business it will be successful.

Good luck out there!