[serious] hotel toilet broke .. repair charge will ruin me RN . What do I do ?!?!
I'm in a serious pickle here.. currently having a panic attack from hell
So ... . My family and I are currently in evacuation from the wildfires and at a hotel. I was on the toilet and I literally just sat down like normal and a huge crack formed in the tank leaking water everywhere. Wasn't my fault.
Normally I'd fess up and tell the front desk because it literally wasn't my fault. But landlords are assholes. And they'll find any reason to charge you (it's a shitty slumlord hotel that was already in disrepair)
But I absolutely cannot afford to pay them for a plumber and new toilet. It will absolutely wipe out my emergency savings and send me and my family into homelessness. I feel like an asshole but , it'd ruin me right now. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Should I A.) run to home Depot and grab some shit to patch it up so it doesn't leak. Leave the room spotless as to not attract attention. And pray for my life they don't notice and automatically deduct from my card .
B.) go to the desk ... Tell them what happened.. be honest. And take my chances that they believe me when I say it wasn't my fault. And pray they don't charge me for it because seriously I didn't even sit down hard . I'm not a heavy person. Either And hope that they give a shit . Because a lot of places if not most absolutely do not give a shit if it wasn't your fault or if you had to evacuate because they want to charge for everything they possibly can. This room was already price gouged a bit ....
What do I do 😭?? The hotel doesn't do deposits either Any damages they'll take off of your card.