Completely friendless...
So as the title states I'm a complete loner. I've tried for years since I was like 14 (now 19) to build relationships with others kids my age. I've tried through school and social media and nothing has stuck. I wasn't popular at the beginning of high-school, nor am I now. I'm aware I don't dress 'right', I don't wear makeup and I'm not skinny and super feminine. I'm also extremely blunt and straightforward which turns people off, especially when it comes to being a girl, in my area anyway. I'm also queer (pansexual), but I'm not entirely sure how big of a role that plays in my persistent loneliness, but I'm sure it's not zero.
I've tried just being myself and that's done fuck all, and when I have 'corrected' myself and done everything right I've made a bit of progress, but nothing groundbreaking, no real friendships that have followed through outside of school and persisted.
I just feel like it's so fucking unfair. So many of the people around me are openly racist, sexist and homophobic, yet they all have friends and realtionships bc they have this permanent facade of kindness and sincerity that is so obviously put on. I'm not willing to do that. I want to be truthful but not mean, I want people to know what I'm truly feeling and thinking bc I think that honesty is so important, but I guess not.
I think I'm interesting. I try and listen to new and progressive musicians, I watch commentary videos on politics and social issues as well as read articles, I educate myself on various historical topics and try to improve myself everyday with how I think and talk about things. I write, I paint and draw. I try so hard to be perfect and good-hearted but people just couldn't care less it seems.
All the people I have managed to make connections with always end up being very dismissive and narcissistic or just complete weirdos.
I just really need advice on how to start making friends and if I am the problem, or the people in my area just aren't a good match.