Im mentally stuck
Society today is nothing like it should be, and I’m struggling to find the motivation to keep going. Everything seems driven by money, and honestly, it’s exhausting. People live by so many bad habits that have just become the norm, and it feels like it’s all falling apart.
Greed is everywhere, with people constantly chasing more. Envy makes us compare ourselves to others and feel frustrated. Pride makes everyone think they’re better than the next person. Anger is everywhere, and it’s like nobody can have a conversation without it getting heated. Lust seems to control relationships, reducing them to just physical desires. People have become lazy, taking the easy way out instead of putting in effort. And gluttony is no longer just about food—it’s about taking as much as we can, without thinking about what happens to others or the planet.
What happened to the things that used to make communities strong? Kindness, honesty, and just looking out for each other seem so rare now. There was a time when people worked together, trusted one another, and genuinely cared about the well-being of others. Neighbors helped neighbors. Families stuck together. Now, it feels like everyone is only looking out for themselves.
I’m so tired of living in a world where money is everything, where people are treated like tools, and where kindness is hard to find. It feels like society has lost its way, and I’m not sure if it’s ever going to get better. It’s hard to stay hopeful when everything around you feels broken.
can someone give me insights on things to do or places to go to, i want to talk to knowledgeable people that know how to live without money