Lilia's visions while inside the Witch's Road vs Outside
I understand that the witch's road was a creation of Billy, however, at various moments inside AND outside the witch's road, Lillia saw aspects of things that reminded her of tarot cards, which culminated in her tarot reading for herself at the end of her journey.
Two of the cards were from before the reading - the three of pentacles and the high priestess -
but most of them were during the trials; three of swords, knight of wands, queen of cups, the tower, and death - were all things she saw IN Billy's subverted reality.
The two cards for the reading she started doing for Billy, The Sun and the Magician, were not seen by her at all.
So my question is, was SHE manifesting the images that she saw while she was having her gaps? All of the visions were a matter of placement, but if Alice was forced to attack Wanda in order to provide Lillia with a vision for the knight of wands, by either Lillia or Billy, that's contrary to Lillia's actual powers/means/motivations right?
I am aware that the Billy Hex or whatnot was not something billy was consciously aware of but how much of what happeend in it was created specifically by billy, and how much of it was more of a theme extrapolation of the internal issues of the individual issues of the people in the hex?