Father in law

75 yr old Father in law suffers from Parkinson's and it's been emotionally and physically draining for 2 1/2 years now. He was recently kicked out of assisted living due to falls and not being able to live independently. He has been living with us for past 3 weeks while we look for nursing home options. It has been tough as he is guilt tripping us for 'abandoning him' and 'forcing' him into a nursing home. He also says it's our fault he can't go back to assisted living since we moved out all of his belongings. He has in his head he just needs 30 days to get better and 'prove' he can go back to his place. Both my wife and I work but he has an unreasonable expectation now that my wife (his daughter) should quit her job to care for him. Or his 'alternative demand' is we pay for someone to watch and help him while he lives with us when we are at work (at our expense of course) and then care for him outside of work. He has never prepared for this part of his life as income is social security and his spouse that past away's modest retirement income. He doesn't even have life insurance and no assets since his nearly depleted savings from selling his home has gone to assisted living. We out of pocket spend $500 or so a month for him beyond what his income can pay right now and it is stressful thinking about the nearly $10k a month in nursing home costs. Yes I know he may be able to get on Medicaid but how do children pay for the other expenses that Medicaid doesn't cover? We live paycheck to paycheck and it's depressing to see us going into debt simply because he didn't plan when he was younger.