انا علي حدود ترك الاسلام


اولا صباح الخير يا جماعه و عايز اوضح كام حاجه بس, انا بقالي شهور و مش بهزر لما اقول شهور بسأل ناس و بشوف فيديوهات و تفسيرات و احاديث و حجات كتير اوي. انا من وانا صغير وانا دارس الاسلام و الدين و عارف عنه حجات كتير كنت بروح دار و احفظ قران و اهلي كانوا و مازالوا متدينين جدا لاكن كان بقالي فتره كبيره عندي شكوك كتير اوي و مش عارف اعمل ايه فا بدأت افكر و ابحث و اسأل و اتعمق اكتر في الدين بشكل عمري ما تعمقت فيه و عملت حاجه زي نوته كتبت فيها كل حاجه لقيتها او فكرت فيها زي يومياتي كده في الفتره دي, كل شويه تيجي حاجه علي بالي اكتبها و اروح اعمل سيرش و اسأل و اشوف فيديوهات وانا حتي بعت ايميلات و كلمت شيوخ مساجد في كل دا.

بعد شهور من كل دا انا حاسس اني جاهز اشارك النوته بتاعتي دي, فيها كلام كتير اوي ( زي ما قولت دي شهور, انا كتبت و عدلت و مسحت و عدلت تاني كازا مره و سعات الاقي حجات جديده و اضيفها و هاكزا ) و لو حد هنا يقدر يجاوب علي اي سؤال او اي تعليق هنا من منظور ديني يتفضل, ممكن الاجابات هنا تختلف عن الاجابات الي لقيتها. و في اسأله موجوده بس لسه ملقتش اجابه محدده ليها و كلها مكتوبه, لما الاقي اجابه موثوقه بكتبها, لما ملاقيش اجابه منطقيه مش بكتب اجابه و بسيب السؤال زي ما هو.

ملحوظه اخيره النوته كلها بالانجليزي و لما كنت بحاول اشوف رد او نقاش ضد الاسلام كنت بدور عليه بالانجليزي لان معظم, ان مكانش كل الناس الي بتنزل حجات ضد الاسلام بالعربي و يكونوا عرب بيبقوا جهله و عبط و سابوا الاسلام لاسباب شخصيه و عاطفيه. لاكن المصادر و الفيديوهات الي بتلاقيها بالانجليزي بتبقا عكس دا معظم الوقت و بيدخلوا من طريق علمي و منطقي و ثقافي و بيفكرو فعلا قبل ما يقولوا حاجه + انا مكنتش عايز اخلي الي انا ببحث عنه echo chamber و كل الكلام الي اعرفه عن ديني و عاداتي يتعاد ليا من منظور اسلامي و عربي, انا عارف كل دا.

ملحوظه اخيره كمان, الكلام دا كله سعات يكون في مصادر و سعات لا انا مكتبتش كل المصادر الي لقيتها بس تقدر تعمل كوبي لكلامي و اتوقع تقدر تلاقي كام مصدر بيتكلم عن الي كاتبه, بتأسف لو في غلطات املائيه او حجات ممكن تكون مش مفهومه اوي, زي ما قولت دي نوته و طريقه انا كنت بحاول فيها اجمع افكاري بس مش اكتر.

why did the prophet marry a 9 year old girl ?

No answer, basically Allah guided him and gave him wa7y so that he marries her. it was what god intended and only god knows why he did it and no one really knows. also aisha's age is still highly debated but the majority of the people agree that she was 9 years old. ( married at 6 and consummated the marriage at 9 )

slavery ? sex slaves ?

Mohamed had many slaves, he kept, bought and sold slaves. picked & distributed slaves among captives, carefully picked female slaves, Encouraged gifting instead of freeing a slave. in quran it is said that men can take female slaves and captives as sex slaves. freeing slaves is a good deed but slavery is not considered bad, freeing slaves is not obligatory and taking and keeping slaves is allowed.

good accounts of slaves is very rare, most famous one is of bilal, which was a slave and got freed but that was because he converted to islam ?

Marries 11 wifes ?

the prophet has a special place and the rules do no apply to him, he had 11 wives while it is only allowed to have 4 for men ? wasn't allowed to marry more than 4 but if a woman wishes for him to marry her he can have more than 4 which is what happened, since he is the prophet of god ?

Recieveing revelations ?

when Mohamed was receving revelations of the quran from the angel Gabriel, it is says that it was like a form of seizures, heavy sweating and breathing, snorting like a camel, turning red, hearing a ring of a bell ( it is said that sometimes he would come to him in the shape of a man and tell him the revelations ). it is said it was a great struggle for him. symptoms of Psychological and neurological disorders ? hallucinations ?

early age Mohamed was born from a polytheist origins, they were pagens and he didn't like it, he would travel to Damascus and see Christians and jews and their beliefs, they were more civilized. he then declared his own religion based on Abrahamic beliefs ? adopted things from other religions: Kaaba as a sacred place and a black stone as a sacred stone, jinns and sacred places and months.

suspected liar ?

he has the nickname amin as in the trustworthy, got the nickname from being a fair trader, everyone believes him when he demands everyone's submission, in the quran Mohamed was defended repeatedly since people of the time accused him of being a liar and he steals other people's ancient stories, calls him a madman, got accused of taking the quran revelations from a man he would meet with but in quran said that man spoke a different language while the quran was in Arabic ??

early islam was peaceful until Mohamed got power ?

early days when Mohamed was not yet powerful he had only 100 followers of humble means islam was very peaceful, after Mohamed got power and rule over a city until his death he participated in 86 battles, increasing in intensity and violence. quran verses on war "slay the infidels wherever you find them, lay siege to them, take them captive" "fight the jews and Christians until they pay you the pole tax and they feel subdued"

formed the Islamic state, prophet and warlord ?

islam was spread by the sword, people who don't convert either have to pay a heavy tax or be executed. from bukhari, "I have been ordered by allah to fight people until they testify that there is no other god but allah and only then will their lives and property be saved by me". hundreds of men getting executed for refusing to follow islam, their wives distributed to muslim men as slaves. contradictory quran verses ? "no compulsory in religion" ? "let us believe what we want and you believe what you want" ? "if you kill an innocent person is as if you killed all of man kind if you save one life you saved all of mankind" this was from jewish text originally ? origin in jewish text was "whoever kills a SOUL it is as if he killed all of mankind" changed "soul" to "innocent person" justified killing ?

quran verse "indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against allah and his messenger and strive upon earth to cause corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land" religion of peace ?

ibn kathir states that opposing, contradicting or disbelief in islam is considered "waging war" against islam, allah and his prophet ? anyone who says to think about islam and to reconsider what they believe or says that islam may not be the correct religion is considered to be waging war against allah and his prophet and can be punished ?

death penalties in Islamic state: openly leaving islam, insulting islam, inciting apostasy, propogation of heresy and disbelief, homosexuality, adultery, spreading immorality.

Mohamed's life ? very unclear, not mentioned in the quran, we only know of it by telling and stories and biographies, by oral traditions and hadiths.

A lot of things in islam is based on hadiths, first hadith compilation was done 100 years after his death, most authentic ones were done 200 years after his death. ( most of modern islam is taken from sahih bukhari and sahih muslim hadith compilations ( 200 years after the prophet's death ) ( most modern explanations come from ibn kathir as the most accurate and renowned explanations )

many "weak" hadiths exist. major time gap between them, subjective interpretations of transmissions. can only be considered authentic hadiths if the transmitter was considered morally good. transmissions may have been very biased ?

9th centry ibn hisham took ibn issac sira and allegedly edited it and removed things that would put the prophet in a bad light ??

Mohamed was illiterate ? ( Arabic: ummiy = illiterate/uneducated or ignorant, quran used this word to describe illiterate people ), cant have possibly acquired all of the knowledge of the quran, so it has to be from god. quran only came to existence as a book only after his death. ( he was seen sometimes writing letters using a note and a pen, may have been literate ?

the quran can never be wrong in anyway, shape or form, since it is words from god, not words from Mohamed. if someone says a quran verse is wrong or ignorant, answer is always no, you need to understand its deeper meaning and you are misunderstanding what it actually means ?

final messenger ? islam as a doomsday cult?

judgement day was imminent and the final hour was coming, mohamed was the one to warn people about it and to bring them to the write path( final messenger that comes before the end ). muliple times stated that it is closer than ever, with signs supporting that but never actually came, interpretations state that it is still unknown but they keep saying that it is near and the definition of near is never specified. ( final messenger that comes before the end ) ??

The hour is nigh and the moon split ? Mohamed spliting the moon ? pointed at the moon and the moon split in half and then it became whole again, people said that it was witchcraft and magic. only happened in mecca, if this happened other places in the world would have recorded this and not just mecca ? quran verse states that it happened but not that mohamed did it by himself. other people transmitting it as a miracle that was achieved by mohamed after his death ? relating back that the most authentic source we have is 200 years after the prophet's death. proof that is not a story or word of mouth ?

people base their entire life on sources that are not accurate and contradict modern science.

science is wrong, quran is right, if science and quran are both correct its okay it was intended, if science goes against anything in the quran then science is wrong and quran is right ?

in quran allah speaks in many pronouns, we, he, i, speaks in third person. allah praising himself ? "glory be to him" worshiping himself ?

Islam and feminism and sex ?

islam honored women and gave them liberty and freedom which was not there before ? was revolutionary ?islam was not the first to do it. maybe first in arabia ?

2000 years before it in ancient egypt women we able to have jobs, be independent, represent themselves at court marry and divorce as they please and travel alone. Egypt also had female rules in multiple dynasties in history. in islam a woman's testimony in court is worth half that of a man, inheritance is half of a man's. 4 wives but 1 husband, woman cant leave the house without husband permission, women is less intelligent than a man. bukari states that when a husband calls his wife to bed and she refuses the husband gets angry and the angles cures the woman from night till dawn. a woman can only ask to be divorced, a husband can choose to not divorce her, only option is to go to court, has to be very important reasons for it, a husband can divorce anytime he wants with no restriction. genitle mutilation, to lower the lust of women, is allowed but not enforced ? happens all over the Islamic

world. in the event of war, men are allowed to rape non-muslim women to humiliate them, and it is halal ?? even if married ?? they are considered female slaves. it is said that some men came to the prophet after capturing women and said that they disliked having sex with them since they were married, after that a quran verse said that "also forbidden are women who are already married expect those whom your right hand posses" ( sex slaves from war ). source for this is sunan abu Dawud.

so many verses are open to interpretation and sometimes even cryptic in quran ? why not be very direct so that everyone would understand and worship him ? too easy ? life is a test so test would be too easy ? demands complete worship but no explanations or reasons ? only verses that are open to interpretation ?

quran interpretation is subjective ?

depending on your status and place you can interpret the words of the quran differently than other people. scholars have that all the time, just like any literature text written by mankind ? if it is divine and words of the one true god why is there different interpretations and different meanings by different people ?

search for meaning ?

islam is an answer for the search of meaning in this world ? what will happen after we die ? what is our purpose/destiny ? since no one knows we create stories and religions and interpret signs and things in the world to try and explain it ?

Islam tries to go against human nature ? is human nature bad ?

in islam a lot of things are considered evil and haram if they are different. ( music, drawing and painting, dancing) most if not everything that comes from different geologically and culturally different places is considered haram and forbidden ? no accepting of others and other cultures ? anything that is not in islam is considered paganism ?

quranic miracles ? ( miracles that are allegedly said in the quran that were discovered later with science to be true ) ?

origin of life : "we made every living thing from water, will they not believe?" water is pointed as origin of life and proof of this is that science says that the cells are 80% water.

arguments: long before islam many cultures had this belief as well : hindu legend varaha says that the universe and life originated from primordial waters. ancient greek belief called arche as in origin believed that every thing including life was ultimatly made of water.

iron is from space :"we sent down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benifits for human kind" something like that could not have been known with their primitave science.

arguments: way before the 7th centry it was thought that iron came from meteorites. 1295 BC a hieroglyphic word in ancient egypt that translates to "from the sky" was applied to all metalic iron there was in that period.

sky's protection : "we made the sky a protective ceiling and yet they are turning away from our signs" quran points to the sky as protection from harm. discovery of ozone layer which was only done in recent years by science points that it protects us from harmful radiations.

arguments: the thought of the sky having protective properties dates thousands of years before islam, with only observation we can see that things such as clouds protect us from the sun. ancient cultures such as the mesopotamians attriputed the sky's protection to a god called anu as the personification of the sky.

mountains "did we not make the earth as a resting place and the mountains as stakes" quran indicates mountains have deep roots by using the words stakes to describe them. the fact that mountains have deeps stakes, like roots was not known until the theory of plate tectonics in the 20th century.

arguments: words used in arabic to describe mountains is "awtad" such as stakes or pegs, ones used to anchor a tent or keep things stable. although it can be argued that mountains do have roots as in the majority of a mountain is indead underground,they do not keep the earth stable, they are a result of instability, most earthquake epicenters are located within mountain ranges.

expanding universe: "and it is we who have built the universe with our creative power and keep expanding it" expansion of the universe was only discovered in the 20th century.

arguments: misinterpertation can be argued, verse can be seen that it referes to the sky, not the universe, other interpertations have said "we built the heavens by our authority and we are the lord of power and expanse" . most interpertation dont support the description of an expanding universe, but of a god who created the sky.

sun's orbit: "it is he who created night and day, the sun and the moon each floating in its orbit". another fact that states something that was discovered to be true in modern science.

arguments: interpretations state that the sun revolves in an orbit, not stating if it revolves around the earth or the other way around. Many believed the sun revolved around the Earth, with the ancient Greek scholar Ptolemy formalizing this "geocentric" model in 150 B.C. , until modern day where we now know that the earth is the one revolving around the sun.

lying and movement: "no indeed! if he does not stop we will seize him by the forehead, his lying, sinful forehead" verse is talking about abu gahl, god revealed a verse to warn him. god calls his forehead lying and sinful. it is claimed that forehead means the front part of the brain ( frontal cortex ) which was discovered that it is responsible for voluntary movement and the lying function of the brain.

arguments: the argument of the brain being the locus of thought dates thousands of years back with ancient Egyptians removing the brain during excerebration. In 5th century BC, alcmaeon of croton concluded that all senses and memories are seated in the brain. Hippocrates in the 4th century bc associated many cognitive impairments with the brain and speculated that the brain's two halves are capable of independent processing.

pain receptors: "we shall send those who reject our revelations to the hellfire, when their skins have been burned away we shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to feel the pain. god is almighty, all-wise" quran says that pain is dependent on the skin, and pain receptors in the skin were discovered fairly recent in biology.

arguments: in Hesiod's theogony, Prometheus was chained to rock for eternity having a giant eagle eat his liver everyday, only for him to be regenerated by night. as for modern science, pain is not dependent on the skin, it is dependent on the spinal cord and brain, pain receptors are found all over the human body, these receptors dont feel any pain, they send signals to the brain to tell it to make us feel pain. some cases were found that people do not feel pain because the function of the receptors sending signals to the brain is not working properly. also why drugs are effective to numb pain since they block these receptors.

god loves you unconditionally, but under certain conditions ?

you worship him and do what the quran's and the prophet's teachings say or you will suffer eternal torture ? suffer for using the brain that was gifted to us by him ? If we use that brain and think freely and arrive to a conclusion that is the opposite of what was intended for us we suffer for eternity for it ?

free will ? but our destiny is written and we can't change it ? get judged for something we didn't choose ? suffer eternal torture ?

life is a test ?

a test that we never agreed to ? we come to life as god intended to be tested, he created us and loves us but he created us to worship him, if we question or don't like it we get eternal torture ? we dont understand his wisdom or reasons and we never will ? if we don't blindly follow islam we get eternal suffering ?