Wishful thinking….

I’m wondering what everyone else wants as far as updates and changes to the game (apart from opening the portal). A few things on my mind:

1: Auto catchers to catch while the app is closed

2: Green/Red/Purple essences to be valid after upgrading all mines/farms to max

3: All factories drops to be valid after upgrading factories to max

4: A better way to use green gems

5: Bronze/Silver/Gold coins to be valid after upgrading James Shop to max and unlocking all mobs

6: Meat Farms to actually give meaningful amounts

7: Events that don’t simply require you to close the app and restart infinite times to proceed

8: Removal of radiation drops on the map if you have maxed out the “safe zones”

9: More mobs as there are many blank spaces between current mobs

10: Blue/Green Rocks to be more easily transferred in higher amounts to something useful (currently blue rocks can be exchanged x1 for 100 meat, and green rocks cannot be exchanged) or to use them for some kind of upgrade

11: An upgradeable option to reduce timers for respawns on mobs/bosses

12: While a factory is baking, for flying factory bots to disappear instead of being “no drop” status