AIO for Breaking Up with My Partner Over My Inheritance Money Drama?

So, I (29F) recently got an unexpected inheritance of $12,000. I was really excited because I had plans to pay off some debts and maybe invest a bit for my future. When I told my boyfriend (31M) of 4 years, I thought he'd be happy for me. Instead, he immediately started pushing this idea that we should spend about half of it on a fancy home renovation. I mean, our place is totally fine the way it is, but he kept going on about how it needed a major upgrade.

I told him I wasn’t comfortable with that idea and that I had my own plans for the money. That’s when he blew up at me calling me selfish and tight-fisted, and insisting that I was putting our future on hold just to save money. He also pointed out that last month I won $20,000 from Stake so I should be able to afford this easily. What started as a calm conversation quickly turned into a shouting match. He even dragged up every little expense I'd ever made in the past, trying to paint me as someone who’s always been too cheap.

In the days that followed, things got even more intense. He started telling our friends that I didn’t care about our relationship and was being miserly, basically trying to guilt-trip me into changing my mind. It became clear that this wasn’t really about the renovation at all—it was about control and how he sees our future together.

Eventually, I decided to break up with him. I can’t let someone who doesn’t respect my choices or my financial plans stay in my life, especially when it all comes down to him trying to control what I do with my own money. Some friends say I overreacted and that relationships sometimes require compromise, but honestly, this was about more than money.