AIO - Wife flirty texting and sending pics
So, this weekend we were at a local bar for a celebration of life. Shortly after we got there, barely into the first drink, my wife goes outside to smoke. Apparently while she was out there she gave a guy her number, but did not mention it to me when she came back in. She was however whisper talking to friends about a "hot guy" she just met outside.
FF to the next evening, we are driving home and she's texting with somebody right next to me, but every time I look over to talk she turns her phone away. After a few texts she gets another text from a mutual long time friend and starts talking about that text but still see her going back to another.
Just a little suspicious at this point. We get home and get settled in, I'm laying down and she says she's just going to listen to a few songs then be up. About 3 hours later I'm half asleep when she comes up and goes in the bathroom with her phone and a new lingerie she got. She's in there almost 30 minutes and when she comes out tries hiding the lingerie so I don't see it. Now I'm really suspicious.
Next morning I get up, take out the dog and start to work but can't stop thinking about the suspicious behavior. I normally wouldn't look at her phone but do at this point. There are flirty texts with this guy who asked her to send a picture. She sent two, fully clothed pictures to him and asked for one in return. He at work so says he can just send an older picture of his face to which she replies "gorgeous 😻", couple more texts like him saying he "can't wait to see that body" and her saying she hopes to see him again soon. There were no other pictures and the messages seemed to end abruptly.
Of course I'm furious and wake her up immediately to confront her. After she gets her bearings she said it was nothing, she just wanted the attention. I'm angry and and asking what her end game is to which she gets angry back and very defensive. She said she was drunk and didn't know why she took her lingerie in the bathroom with her phone for so long. If there were any pics like that, they were deleted but she swears there wasn't but also claims to be so drunk she doesn't really remember why she took it in there.
I ask her who they guy is and she said she met him the day before (while we were together) and she was drunk and didn't remember meeting him. She had just woken up and got ready before we got to the event and was only a couple sips in to her first drink, so definitely not drunk at that point, but did get really drunk by the end of the day. There was no way she was drunk when she gave a random "hot" dude her number while she was out with her husband.
I left yesterday after confronting her and only went home to shower and do some work today. She said it was nothing and I'm overreacting. I think it was very disrespectful and who knows where it would've went if I didn't confront her. She deleted the guys messages and contact info after I said I wanted to talk to him to find out how the initial convo went when she gave him her number. Am I overreacting by being very angry and staying away from home for a while?
TLDR: Wife gave a guy her number while out with me on the DL. Next night flirty texted while sitting right next to me and trying to hide it, sent pics and asked for pics. Said she was drunk and didn't remember meeting him and wanted the attention
EDIT: Edited to make paragraphs, sorry I've only ever really posted pictures of my dog.
More info:
yes, this is, unfortunately, real. I have a few screenshots before she deleted the messages I had seen. She left her phone out for me when I came home for a bit for me to check while she was asleep in another room and of course there was nothing there.
No, we do not have kids, just a dog.
We are both very social and it's not unusual for one of us to meet a new friend while we're out and exchange numbers, but we always introduce the person to each other and invite them to join our table, that didn't happen this time.
She does act remorseful and sorry but also says I'm overreacting. She has mentioned going to a couples counselor
She's on reddit regularly, so I told her to post here to see if the general populous thinks I'm overreacting. She said I should do it because I'm the victim.
UPDATE: never thought there'd be so much interest in this, I guess comments are off for some reason. Thank you for those of you who sent genuine messages.
not much so far, for those asking, it is not an iPhone, it's an android. She was able to recover dude's number and gave it to me and sent him an apology text saying she was happily married and was drunk and wanted attention. She's also left her phone with me whenever I've been hom (staying on different floors when im there)
I've tried contacting him for his side of the story and see if man to man he would tell me everything but he won't answer or respond so I'll have to track him down in person.
She hasn't had a drink since this happened and is planning on getting sober. She had a therapy appointment today and we have a joint therapy session on Monday. Told her I won't get past it either way until I know the whole, true story, not just hearing she was drunk and doesn't remember.
Still don't know how this plays out in the long run, but I will update soon.