Am I overreacting to my husband’s reaction to my sadness over Bibas boys?

I’ve been lamenting the deaths of the Bibas boys, whose awful murder story has been heavily in the news lately. I have a two year old boy with my husband and live in the US. I admit I am not hyperaware of the reality of world events and the truth of why awful things happen, but I love deeply and believe innocent lost lives deserve to be mourned. I’ve been trying to express my sadness to my husband, but instead of saying “yes, it is awful. Very sad. Do you want to talk about it?” he ignores what I said, challenges me by saying I don’t know what’s going on, or understand the full political picture, or who really murdered them. I am upset and alarmed with how he responded. Not only would he not stop, he followed me into our bedroom after I tried to remove myself from an argument. He wouldn’t stop trying to make his case after I repeatedly asked him to stop and give me space. Guys, I don’t care where a baby is from or what “side” they happen to live on. Am I overreacting?