How to be better after husband (55M) splashed a drink in my face and pinched my (22F) nipples?

I (22F) and my husband (55M) have been married for 6 years, together for 10. We've been trying really hard to have a baby. Every time my husband finishes, a bunch of dust comes out. It's been a lot to handle.

He blames it on me, saying that if I was hot like my sister (15F) then maybe it would be a normal consistency. I cant tell you how many times I've sobbed, begging for forgiveness.

Miraculously, I got pregnant and we now have a 5 month old baby boy. I breast feed exclusively. My in laws have convinced my husband that doing so is the best way to prevent "the 'tism and the downs". I have no idea what that could mean but my husband screams if I hesitate to whip out my teat.

We have developed a schedule where I get up every 87 mins to feed our baby then my husband will care for him while I sleep for 13 minutes.

What's worse is that for a month or so, I've been getting really itchy when I wake up. It turns out that there's lice in my pubes. When I confronted my husband, he says I'm being "hysterical". He swears I'm making up a reason to fight just because he scratches his balls a lot. This is a new adjustment for us all and I'm trying extremely hard to be mindful of that.

So today, I just got done with the baby. I was sleeping when I felt hot liquid poured on my face. I woke up drenched in coffee?!! Before I could say anything, my husband gave me a purple nurple (he twisted my nipples extra hard).

I asked him why would do this then there was a knock at the door. My mom came over to help prepare food so I can get some extra rest.

He accused me of "outsourcing my womanly duties to an old hag" and told me to die. I tried to explain that I need rest to produce milk but he said I was exaggerating. He ranted for the next 3 hours about how women produce milk when they hit puberty and I "wasted my fat sweater knockers being a whore with random guys".

I don't know what to do at this point. I know we're both exhausted from the baby but I can't ask my husband for help because he's either gone or playing video games. I'm so tired and I don't know where to turn. Please advise how I can be a better mother and wife.

Any advice is appreciated 🙏