WIBTA If I got my nipples pierced against my mothers wishes.
I’m 17 years old, turning 18 in 3 months. I have 4 ear piercings in total, a nose piercing and a belly piercing. My parents, after much persuasion have consented to all of these.
Body modification has always been a huge interest of mine and I plan to be a tattoo artist and piercer. I’ve wanted nipple piercings for a long time and because of my fascination I have done a lot of research - so I know the pros and cons.
I told my parents that my next piercing would be nipples and they seemed to be okay with it, so I made the booking (it’s for tomorrow afternoon). My dad was out tonight so I told my mom I made the appointment and she completely flipped out. She is convinced that people only get these piercings for sex.
I tried to tell her that I’m not stupid enough to modify my body for boys, but she doesn’t get it. She started crying and told me that if I loved her and respected her I wouldn’t do it or I’d wait until I’m 18. I retaliated saying that 3 months isn’t going to change anything.
I ended the argument by telling her that I am going to get them, but not out of disrespect and not because I’m trying to rebel. I don’t rebel, it’s much easier to keep my parents happy. She told me that I was being selfish and am doing it to spite her.
Ok so obviously this is one sided and I’m sure she’d write a whole different story, so before you make judgement, imagine you’re my mom lol. I genuinely want unbiased advice. Do I got get the piercings tomorrow or do I listen to my mom.
Also possibly important info, my dad is a pastor and my mom runs the church. They’re quite conservative and I think they see me as the problem child lol