AITA for not getting my friend everything they wanted?

So I called a friend up this morning who is home bound and asked if they wanted me to get them anything from X restaurant. The sent me a list of three different sandwiches a little taken aback I got them 2 of the 3. They knew I was paying and I felt like it was a little rude to ask for so much. In any case they started calling me names because I did not get them everything they wanted.

In summary, I picked up and bought food a friend that was only part of their order because they frankly were ordering a ridiculous amount of food. I felt it was rude, and they got mad at me because if they did not get everything they wanted then I was being the asshole. It sort of felt to me like offering to pick up the tab and then everyone orders the most expensive items because hey, they arent paying for it. So reddit AITA?