AITA for updating my will to award my less successful son a higher share of my assets?

I (66f) have two children, Benjamin (36m), and Jack (33m).

Jack is in a good place in his life. He has a good job with a senior position in his industry, a longterm fiancée, a wide circle of friends, and whilst they're still renting, they're both currently saving for a house deposit.

Benji on the other hand, despite being the oldest, has not done as well in life. Benji has never had a girlfriend (or a boyfriend), and has no friends that he visits. He did give university a try, but left both times in his first year due to anxiety. Today he chooses not to work. Benji and I have been living alone together for the last 6 years now and I support him financially. I know that the situation is not ideal, however I've long since come to terms with the fact that Benji is a square peg trying to fit into a world of round holes, and as I'm getting older I'm happy for his company. It's an arrangement that suits us both.

I'm starting to get on in years and recently my thoughts have turned to my children and what they will do after I'm gone. A few months ago I decided to update my will, and asked Jack for a meeting to address the changes. I let him know that in my updated will almost all of my assets, both cash and property will going to Benji, however I'll be giving him a cash amount to help with his house deposit (£10,000). My reasoning for this is that I know full well Jack is capable of looking after himself after I am gone, but without assistance Benji will always struggle. He is simply never going to have what Jack has.

Jack did not take kindly to the news. He said that I'm effectively punishing him for having succeeded in life, where his brother has been allowed to not try and fail his entire life, and is now being rewarded for "choosing to remain a neat so he can suckle on mummies teat". He said some more unkind things about his brother and at that stage I said that it was better that he leave until he could calm himself down. On the way out the door he told me that this was not about money or assets, but was yet another instance of me "favouring" and "coddling" Benji the way "I have done his entire life" (not true) and claimed we were in an "emotionally incestuous relationship". I told him to get out.

This all went down 3 months ago and since then Jack will no longer accept my calls. He ignored my 66th birthday outright, not even a card, and at this stage I am not expecting to see him at all for Christmas, so it's going to be just me and Benji as usual.

Other family members have since became aware of the drama and are telling me that my decision is wrong and that by doing this I am driving a wedge further between Jack and Benji when their relationship is already strained. AM I THE ASSHOLE for my decision? I love both my children equally, but I can't go to my grave knowing that Benji will be out on the streets suffering without me. I KNOW that Jack will NEVER have to struggle in the same way Benji has, so I don't know why he even needs the money in the first place. I am frankly disgusted by his greed and lack of concern for his brother's future.