AITA for refusing to let my sister-in-law bring her dog to my house?

I have three male cats, and they’re all very skittish. They’re indoor cats and don’t cope well with stress, especially when it comes to dogs. If they hear barking or sense a dog in the house, they hide for hours and sometimes won’t come out for the rest of the day.

My sister-in-law recently asked if she could bring her dog to a family gathering at my house. I explained that my cats get extremely anxious around dogs and said it wouldn’t be a good idea. She got upset, saying her dog is “part of the family” and very well-behaved, so it wouldn’t bother my cats.

I suggested she leave the dog at home or find a pet sitter for the evening, but she accused me of being unreasonable and prioritizing my pets over her. Some family members think I should just “lock my cats in a room” for the day to accommodate her, but I feel like that’s unfair to them since this is their home.

I feel bad for upsetting her, and think the rest of my family is annoyed with me but I don’t think I’m wrong for wanting to keep my cats safe and comfortable in their own space.