AITA for prank calling?

I was recently playing truth or dare with a group of friends when I was dared to text someone from one of my friends block list and ask to hook up. In my text, I pretended to be a girl trying to reconnect with an ex. The person was playing around for a while. They even called me and it all seemed to be in a joking manor.

A while later, I received a text from a random number asking who I was. I assumed it was a friend of the original person (it was) and kept going along with my Ashley act. Now I had two convos going on. With the original number my Ashley persona begged for another chance. While Ashley used the new person as a “therapist”. This went on for a while.

One friend told me it had gone on too long and to stop. But I didn’t. I kept going. Soon, I was called by the number. There were multiple voices. All of them seemed mad. They could see right though me. But, they figured out where I go to school. So, in risk of revealing my identity, I kept up the act.

I tried to end it quick and civil. I was being screamed at to admit who gave me their number. I hung up, blocked both numbers. And had a pretty bad panic attack (mainly about these people some how finding out where I live) I really feel bad. And I definitely let it last too long. But I never had any bad intentions. And it was all pretty funny to me.

So, Am I The Asshole?