Tips for staying out of bottom 5% stow?

My next shift I guess I'll get retrained because I got my 2nd productivity write up just barely within a month of the first one. Hard to admit, but I'm pretty upset.

Stowing from the yellow bins is fine and dandy, but what about when you're stuck with giant boxes all shift?

If a box hardly fits through my sled, what's the best way to manage it without spending a ton of time walking around from front to back to try to get it through and then get it to where I want it? Not to mention having all the giant box flaps in your way? I've tried cutting the flaps off but now I worry that takes too much time also.

I've been flex in stow since 2020 - why am I suddenly getting multiple productivity writeups?

I don't stand around not working.

I sign in to 8-10 when it's bins, but it's harder when it's boxes. I guess I'll start trying though. I feel like you can't move things around to have access to 8-10 containers when they are huge boxes.

Not to mention some days I don't see any smalls at all. I think I need to start asking waterspiders for smalls rather than just accept whatever I get. I don't like to complain.

It sucks when you look at the FC games screen and see yourself towards the bottom of the ranking.

So what are your tips for me to stay out of bottom 5%? Thanks!