33F dying in pain. Please help!

Hi there, looks like there hasn’t been any posts here for a long time but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I’m a 33 year old mother of three and this experience is more painful than any of my birthing experiences.

As a brief history, a month ago I was in hospital for 5 days with a nasty stomach bug (Campylobacter) which turned into collitis. This was 5 days of constant diarrhoea and vomiting.

I have been fully recovered from this stint and then four days ago I had an extremely difficult bowel movement. I was sitting on the toilet for over an hour with constipation, straining in pain and literally felt myself tear.

Following this I have been experiencing excruciating pain, excessive bleeding and loss of fluid/mucous. Ive used a mirror to look and there are purple looking bulges and after a bowel movement i sometimes partially have a prolapse and need to push it back in.

I have been having baths, applying vasoline (aquaphor), castor oil and taking magnesium citrate to help with the spasms. I’ve also cut out meat and trying to increase fibre etc.

I feel confident that it’s nothing more sinister as when I was in hospital last month I had abdominal x-rays and CT scans to rule out anything, as well as a colonoscopy last year. In this colonoscopy they did find that my rectal passage was very inflamed and I had internal haemorrhoids.

I know i’m very early in this wonderful fissure experience however my main question is whether it’s normal to be unable to go to the toilet from the pain? And can fissures cause diarrhoea ?

Basically my day goes like this: I wake up, about 1 hour later feel the need to go to the toilet, sit there in agony, passing tiny amounts of normally formed stool and blood. I constantly wipe with baby wipes to relieve the pain as i don’t it feels like the faeces are burning me.

I eventually give up even though i don’t feel like i’ve fully evacuated my bowels and i go sit at my desk to work then im constantly back and fourth to the toilet, feeling the need to go but am unable to partly due to the pain but also my bum feels so swollen ive almost lost the proper sensations.

Then after about 4 hours I have liquid diarrhoea??? Is this normal? Assuming it’s my bodies response to the stress / trying to clear me out but it is essentially like black water.

Please help. Any tips or advice welcome