Analog Influencers put me off film because of their pretentiousness but now I got over it and taking the plunge!

I was put off on getting back into film photography since every YouTuber I found sounds so pretentious when talking about film photography and honestly, it still irks me it's not that big a deal get over yourself ANYWAYS...

I got introduced to film photography back in high school and had a blast shooting developing and printing black and white all on my own, seeing my work appear on a blank piece of paper is a feeling I haven't felt since then (2008) now as an adult and many years of digital I stumbled upon a nice Canon Ae-1, I couldn't resist getting it and the thought of getting back into film I even started buying stock and supplies to make my own B&W dark room best of all my fiance is all for it and even helping me organized our second bathroom I can't wait!

even came up with a list of cameras to buy on my upcoming trip to Japan:
Nikon f3T
canon s2 rangefinder
canon f1
Rollieflex or other tlr
Leica m6 or m3 (price permitting)
Contax 645
Olympus trip 35
Kiev 4

Most of these cameras I always wanted to collect but never had the funds for until now